Saturday, August 18, 2007

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 19th August 2007

A Holy Tension
It would be interesting see how many non-Christians would identify the Gospel text today as sacred, if it were displayed alongside other contemporary writings. Who knows, some might even think it was Al Quaida rather than words spoken by Jesus, the Prince of Peace. It doesn’t quite fit in, does it, with the image of the love of God the Father Jesus brought before us? Read it again to get the shock of what is being said.
It speaks of opposites, of black and white when increasingly we think of grey, nothing ruled in or out. But Jesus comes not only to bless the world but also to change it. It is a work of transformation so searing it is like fire burning away the old so that something unmistakably new can begin. We are not to be a people or Church of complacency and conformity, but a church that dares to be a source of division and misunderstanding for the sake of justice.
Anyhow, disagreement and frustration with each other comes easy to us. We are divided. That's true in all families, communities, and churches. In this world, there's no life together without a shadow. In faith circles alone, we argue about God, Jesus, church, morality, worship, spirituality, justice, discipleship. It creates a holy tension, which however uncomfortable is good. We need to carry all together for Christ.
Fr Tom Cox

Questions People Ask
Q. Do you believe in the apparition at Knock? Might it not be an optical illusion or mass hallucination?
A. By their fruits shall you know them. The apparition at Knock showed Jesus Christ in the form of the Lamb of God standing on the altar of sacrifice, underneath the cross. The angels are there along with Mary, Joseph and John who is holding an open book. The tableau is an icon of the mystery of the sacrifice of the Eucharist. In the theology of John’s book, Jesus is the new Passover Lamb of God uniting earth and heaven. No voice intrudes on the viewer’s silent contemplation. Yes, I believe in the apparition at Knock.
Fr Silvester O’Flynn OFM Cap

St. Fiacre’s Well
The annual novena at St. Fiacre’s Well begins at the Holy Well on next Saturday, 18th August. Novena prayers and the rosary will be recited at the well each evening at 8.00pm.
Final novena prayers at the well at 3.00pm on Sunday, 26th August followed by open air Mass at 3.15pm.
The ancient well of St. Fiacre is situated at Kilfera, a number of kilometres out the Bennettsbridge Road. Access is via the avenue to Sheastown House. Local people have been coming here since the sixth century to ask for the saint’s intercession. All are welcome but this year in particular we encourage people who have recently arrived in our parish to come along on even a few occasions during the week.

Pray for the Deceased
Recently Deceased: Maureen Cantwell, Dean Cavanagh Place. Frankie Jordan, Thurles
Anniversaries: Tom & Michael Casserly (Sat 6.15), Eddie Kelly (7.00), James & Mary Brennan (Sun 9.30), John Bolger (Su n 10.30), Evelyn Hughes (Sun 11.00), James Bambrick (Sun 12.00), Joe McHugh (Sun 12.30), Christina Gargan, Edward O’Shaughnessy Snr, Kay Brennan, Statia Tallent, Malachy O’Connor, Richard Kenny, Kitty Mullins, Eileen Tynan, Daisy Quinn, John & Ellen Butler (Tues 10.30)
Anniversaries Next Weekend: Paddy McDonald (Sat 6:15pm), Paddy Mullen (Sat 7.00), Seamus Kelly (Sun 10..30), Della Harney (Sun 12.00)

Church Gate Collection
The Irish Cancer Society has a Garda permit to hold a church gate collection this weekend.

Exam Results
Congratulations to all from our parish who received their Leaving Certificate results last Wednesday. We pray God’s blessing on you as you await college offers next week. May God direct your decision making.

Grandparents’ Knock Pilgrimage
Calling all grandchildren! You are invited to write a prayer in honour of your grandparents. For further information visit:
This competition is to mark the first ever National Grandparents’ Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine which will take place on Saturday, 22nd September.

Our Lady’s Island Pilgrimage
The Opening Ceremony of the 2007 Pilgrimage Season will be at 3pm on Wednesday, 15th August, the Feast of the Assumption. The Closing Ceremony will take place at 7pm on Friday, 7th September (note change of time and day from previous years). See posters at church doors for further details or telephone 053 913 1167 or visit

Study Theology from Home
You can now study theology, either for its own sake of for a degree, from the comfort of your home! The Dominicans in Tallaght are offering a full programme through distance learning—following the method of the Open University—consisting of fifteen-week modules and supported by a network of centres around the country. For further information, contact: The Priory Institute, Tallaght Village, Dublin 24. Tel: 01 404 8127 or 01 404 8124 or email the following address:

Payment by Cheque
To comply with bank regulations we ask parishioners who contribute to the parish by cheque to make all payments to “St. Patrick’s Parish”. We would appreciate your help with this as cheques have been returned for this reason in recent weeks.

Feasts This Week
Monday: St Bernard (1090-1153) was a Cistercian monk who became abbot of Clairvaux. He was renowned as a theologian and scholar. Patron saint of Gibraltar.
Tuesday: St Pius X, Pope (1835-1914). Pope Pius was cardinal patriarch of Venice, then Pope from 1903. He encouraged pastoral liturgy and sacramental practice, especially frequent communion.
Friday: St Bartholomew. He is named in the Synoptic gospels as one of the twelve apostles. He is probably to be identified with Nathaniel of Cana. He is said to have preached the gospel in India.

Parish Competition
You’ll remember a few weeks back we ran a competition asking people to submit a short poem or story based on the picture hanging in St. Fiacre’s church.
We had a very low response to this competition so obviously it didn’t appeal to many.
There are however winners and these will be contacted in the coming week.

House Blessings
If you are new to our parish and would like to have your house blessed, then please feel free to contact any of the priests to arrange a blessing. There ceremony takes only a few minutes and is a nice way of dedicating ones house to the protection of the Lord.

St. Vincent de Paul
The monthly St. Vincent de Paul collection is taken up this weekend. This local charity meets the needs of those less well off in our parish. Your support is appreciated.
Next meeting of the society is Monday at 8pm in the presbytery.

Come Register With Us
A warm welcome to all who are new to our parish. We’d like to get to know you. The first step is to register with us and you can do so using the form above. This allows us to make contact with you.
If you have any questions, observations etc. then we’d be delighted to hear from you. If you would like a priest to call (this applies to any parishioner), then please let us know , we’d be delighted to pay a visit at a time that suits you.
You are joining a very strong and faith filled community, we know that you will like living among us.
More details of our parish can be found at:

The August Parish Draw
The next of our monthly parish draws will take place on Tuesday the 28th August at the Presbytery at 8.30pm. All are welcome.
As you are aware the parish draw is a vital and main part of our fundraising for the new parish centre.
We ask for the continued support of all our parishioners for this draw. The more we raise now, the less our debt will be in the future.
You can join the draw with any of the promoters or by contacting any of the sacristans. The draw costs €10 per month and there are a host of cash prizes each month.
Thanks for your support and best of luck in the next draw.

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 12th August 2007

Earthly Choices–Eternal Consequences
Most election promises to the electorate centre on tax breaks and lower costs. No earthly politician has dared (yet!) to announce that the Kingdom has been given. The Kingdom is something that is literally priceless. It is about what is at the heart of the matter, literally at the centre of your life. The Sunday readings makes for difficult consumption during Summer. It speaks of things we would rather gently put aside: simple lifestyle, almsgiving, readiness for the return of the Lord, faithful use of the time given us and warnings of punishment.
You have servants who are going around doing peripheral stuff, not giving a lot of thought to the master who has gone off to get married. But when he comes back, even in the middle of the night, oh what a time this will be! This will be a celebration. He will dress up like a servant, get them to recline at table and wait on them hand and foot. In other words, they will be his equals. This is really something! Being raised up all because our head were focused down on the task given.
Each of us in turn need to come to the point when we ask ourselves whether our central concerns have to do with the things that really matter, or with all those matters which are just things. An earthly choice with eternal consequences.
Fr Tom Cox

Eucharistic Adoration
There are opportunities for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in our parish on Mondays (St. Fiacre’s Church) between 11am and 10pm and on Fridays (St. Patrick’s Church) between 10am and 1pm and 4pm and 9pm.
Please contact one of the organizers if you can commit to a regular period in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

St. Vincent De Paul Society
The next meeting of the local conference will be at The Presbytery on Monday, 13th August at 8pm. In emergencies the conference may be contacted through the priests.

Questions People Ask
Q. Should the Bible stories like Adam and Eve, the apple, the flood etc. be taken as true or disregarded as primitive myths?
A. These stories were not written as scientific or historical accounts but to answer the great questions about the origin of life, temptation, divisions within people and between people and the punishment of evil. A story can offer deeper insights than a scientific explanation. Similarly, the ancient Greek myths were so full of human insights that they are used by modern psychologists to identify many human conditions such as narcissism or Oedipus complex. The wisdom contained in the biblical stories still offer insights which are helpful today.
Fr Silvester O’Flynn OFM Cap

Pray for the Deceased
Recently Deceased:
Sr. Catherine Fennessy, St. John of God Community, College Road. Requiem Mass at 12.30pm on Sunday followed by burial at Foulkstown Cemetery. Sr. Margaret Mary Bergin, Little Company of Mary, Limerick and late of Jenkinstown.
Anniversaries: Mary Coogan (Sat 6.15); Margaret Shanahan & Joe Maher (Sat 7.00); John Hazel (Sun 11.00); Gabriel Ward (Sun 12.00), Pat Phelan (Wed 10.00), Patrick Morris (Sat 9.30), Peggy Ryan, Ellen Shortall, Ellen Phelan, Joe Delaney, , Michael & Molly Mullen, Ellen McEvoy, Walter Kavanagh, Brigid Doherty, Jack Leyton, Paddy Brophy.
Anniversaries Next Weekend: Tom & Michael Casserly (Sat 6.15), Eddie Kelly (7.00), John Bolger (Su n 10.30), Evelyn Hughes (Sun 11.00), James Bambrick (Sun 12.00).

Spiritan Fathers
Recently we hosted two Spiritan Priests (Holy Ghost Fathers) who appealed for spiritual and financial help for their work in many parts of the world. Donation envelopes may be posted directly to the congregation or placed in collection baskets this weekend.

St. Fiacre’s Well
The annual novena at St. Fiacre’s Well begins at the Holy Well on next Saturday, 18th August. Novena prayers and the rosary will be recited at the well each evening at 8.00pm.
Final novena prayers at the well at 3.00pm on Sunday, 26th August followed by open air Mass at 3.15pm.
The ancient well of St. Fiacre is situated at Kilfera, a number of kilometres out the Bennettsbridge Road. Access is via the avenue to Sheastown House. Local people have been coming here since the sixth century to ask for the saint’s intercession. All are welcome but this year in particular we encourage people who have recently arrived in our parish to come along on even a few occasions during the week.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Wednesday next, 15th August, is the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady. Masses in our parish will be as follows:
St. Fiacre’s: 6.15pm Tuesday and 10.30am and noon on Wednesday.
St. Patrick’s: 7.00pm on Tuesday and 9.30am, 11.00am and 12.30pm on Wednesday.
St. Joseph’s: 10.00am on Wednesday.
Please note: we do not have an evening Mass on Wednesday.
This is Mary’s day of glorification, her ‘passover’ into the resurrected life of her Son. It honours ‘the fullness of blessedness that was her destiny’.
Marialis Cultis.

Grandparents’ Knock Pilgrimage
Calling all grandchildren! You are invited to write a prayer in honour of your grandparents. For further information visit:
This competition is to mark the first ever National Grandparents’ Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine which will take place on Saturday, 22nd September.

Our Lady’s Island Pilgrimage
The Opening Ceremony of the 2007 Pilgrimage Season will be at 3pm on Wednesday, 15th August, the Feast of the Assumption. The Closing Ceremony will take place at 7pm on Friday, 7th September (note change of time and day from previous years). See posters at church doors for further details or telephone 053 913 1167 or visit

Divine Mercy
There will be an hour of prayer and adoration in honour of Divine Mercy in St. Mary’s Cathedral on Sunday, 12th August from 3.00pm to 4.00pm. All welcome.

St Maximilian Kolbe
St. Maximilian, priest and martyr, (1894-1941) is celebrated by the Church on Tuesday. A Conventual Capuchin, he worked in the apostolate of the press in Poland and Japan. He died in Auschwitz, having offered to replace a parent who was going to the gas chambers.

Exam Results
We remember in prayer all those awaiting the results of the Leaving Certificate examination this Wednesday. We wish you well and pray God’s guidance and protection on you as you make decisions about the future.

Study Theology from Home
You can now study theology, either for its own sake of for a degree, from the comfort of your home! The Dominicans in Tallaght are offering a full programme through distance learning—following the method of the Open University—consisting of fifteen-week modules and supported by a network of centres around the country. For further information, contact: The Priory Institute, Tallaght Village, Dublin 24. Tel: 01 404 8127 or 01 404 8124 or email the following address:

Prayer for Vocations
O Jesus, send labourers into your fields,
which are awaiting holy apostles,
saintly priests,
heroic missionaries and
dedicated sisters and brothers.

Enkindle in the hearts of men and
women the spark of a vocation.

Grant that Christian families may
desire to give your Church,
in the work of tomorrow.

Church Gate Collection
The Irish Cancer Society has a Garda permit to hold a collection on Saturday, 18th and Sunday, 19th August.

Kilkenny Medjugorje Pilgrimage
Friday, 7th until Friday, 14th September. Day flight, house near church, Price €639 incl. Bookings: 776 5840 or 086 882 5622.

Readers for 14th/15th August
Elma O’Mahony (6.15pm), Frank McKenna (7.00pm), Dick McEvoy (9.30am), Peter Ryan (10.00am), Volunteer (10.30am), Sadie McGrath (11.00am), Volunteer (12 noon), Larry Cotter (12.30pm).

Payment by Cheque
To comply with bank regulations we ask parishioners who contribute to the parish by cheque to make all payments to “St. Patrick’s Parish”. We would appreciate your help with this as cheques have been returned for this reason in recent weeks.

Newsletter for the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 5th August 2007

A Right Focus
Notice in parish newsletter ‘Lost a black leather wallet containing precious family photos, personal ID documents and eight hundred seventy-five Euro in cash. Finder can keep the photos and ID, but please return the cash for sentimental reasons.’ It didn’t happen of course but the sentiment is closer to us than we care to admit. It is a bitter-sweet truth that we will do anything for money and precious little for God at times. We have all seen that quarrels over inheritance can provoke bitterness and enmity in the closest of families.
Wisely, Jesus in today’s Gospel, refuses to take sides in a case and points out what often lies at the root of a quarrel – greed for gain, the love of money. We still have to learn the wisdom of the psalm where the ‘shortness of our life… gains us wisdom of heart’.
SSIA dosh and pension plans may offer a financial carpet for a more secure future. But what is it that assures life? It’s not abundant reserves of grain storehouses. ‘To be rich in the sight of God,’ is to give and to share, to seek life where life is to be found.
Fr. Tom Cox, St Mel’s Cathedral, Longford.

Questions People Ask
Q. Did Jesus ever laugh? I cannot find any instance in the bible.
A. The bible never claims to say everything. Saint John wrote that all the books in the world wouldn’t contain all that Jesus said and did.
Of course Jesus laughed, just as he cried, felt tired, frustrated, angry and compassionate. There was humour in his massive caricature of the fellow with the plank of wood in his eye, or the possibility of a camel passing through the eye of a needle. A Saviour who didn’t laugh wouldn’t attract many followers!
Fr Silvester O’Flynn OFM Cap Email:

Bank Holiday Weekend
We warmly welcome all visitors who have come to worship with us on this bank holiday weekend. We hope you have a relaxing and refreshing time while in Kilkenny.
We ask visitors and locals alike to note that there will be no Masses at 9.30am or 10.30am on Monday. The only public Mass in the parish on this bank holiday will be at St. Patrick’s Church at 11am. All welcome.

Pray for the Deceased
Recently Deceased:
Josephine Joyce, Brabstown, Tullaroan. Funeral prayers at the home of her daughter Margaret Hennessy, Grovine at 6pm on Sunday evening followed by removal to Tullaroan Church. Requiem Mass at 11am on Monday followed by burial in the local cemetery. Tommy McGuire, O’Reilly Court & late of 80 Larchfield; Eamon Tuite, Mullingar; Tom Manning, Ballyfoyle; Francis Glennon, Connolly Street.
Anniversaries: Rita Thompson (Sat 7.00); Angela Tiernan (Sun 10.00); Martin Mulhall (Sun 11.00). Peggy Rimmer, John Joe Henebry, Paddy Hickey, Michael Lawler, Annie Campion, Nancy Larkin, Clare Mahon, Mary Guiry, Ted Woodgate.
Anniversaries Next Weekend: Mary Coogan (Sat 6.15); Margaret Shanahan & Joe Maher (Sat 7pm); John Hazel (Sun 11am); Gabriel Ward (Sun 12 noon).
May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.

Monthly Parish Draw
Thanks to all who support the parish draw and to the hard working and dedicated promoters who sell tickets each month. July results are printed elsewhere in this bulletin. Congratulations to the winners!

Rosary at Our Lady’s Statue
The monthly rosary will be held at the Statue of Our Lady of Kilkenny, James Green on this Sunday, 5th August at 3pm.

Missionary Visitors
Last weekend our parish hosted Frs. Des Arigho and Noel Murphy of the Spiritans (Holy Ghost Fathers). These men are visiting all parishes in the Diocese promoting the work of their congregation and appealing for our financial and spiritual help. They got in touch during the week to express satisfaction with their visit to St. Patrick’s Parish and to say thanks for your kind welcome and generosity. Further donation envelopes may be posted directly to the congregation or placed in collection baskets this weekend.

St. Dominic
St. Dominic (1170 - 1221), founder of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans), is celebrated on Wednesday. The life of Dominic de Guzman could have been very different. As prior of the Chapter of Canons regular at Osma, in Spain he had devoted himself entirely to a life of prayer, contemplation and penance there under the rule of St. Benedict. It seems God had other plans for him.
Invited by his bishop Diego de Avezedo to join him in a mission to the Albigensians – a heretical sect also known as the Cathars – Dominic set out on the great adventure that led him to found his order, the Dominicans or the Order of Preachers, which was formally approved in 1216.
His core conviction was that only preachers who were genuinely humble, holy and poor could change the hearts of unbelievers. ‘Zeal must be met with zeal, humility by humility, false sanctity by real sanctity, preaching falsehood by preaching truth.’As it turned out, Dominic’s life remained one of devotion to prayer, contemplation and penance – with one difference. The world became his cloister.

St. Vincent De Paul Society
The next meeting of the local conference will be at The Presbytery on Monday, 13th August at 8pm. In emergencies the conference may be contacted through the priests.

Grandparents’ Knock Pilgrimage
Calling all grandchildren! You are invited to write a prayer in honour of your grandparents. For further information visit:
This competition is to mark the first ever National Grandparents’ Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine which will take place on Saturday, 22nd September.

Our Lady’s Island
The pilgrimage season is about to begin on Our Lady’s Island in Co. Wexford. The Opening Ceremony will be at 3pm Wednesday, 15th August, the Feast of the Assumption. The Closing Ceremony will take place at 7pm on Friday, 7th September (note change of time and day from previous years). See posters at church doors for further details or telephone 053 913 1167 or visit

Transfiguration of the Lord
Recorded in the gospels as a key moment in the life of Jesus and of his apostles, this event is among those named Mysteries of Light - added to the Mysteries of the Rosary by the late Pope Paul II. Mass in St. Patrick’s Church at 11am.

Eucharistic Adoration
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will continue as usual at St. Fiacre’s Church between 12 noon and 10pm on Bank Holiday Monday.
Please note there is weekly exposition at St. Patrick’s Church on Fridays between 10am and 1pm and 4pm and 9pm.
I wish once more to recall this truth and to join you, my dear brothers and sisters, in adoration before this mystery: a great mystery, a mystery of mercy. What more could Jesus have done for us? Truly, in the Eucharist, he shows us a love which goes “to the end” (cf. Jn 13:1), a love which knows no measure.

Organ Recital
To mark the 150th anniversary of St. Mary’s Cathedral world renowned organist Thomas Heywood will present a recital at the cathedral at 8pm on Saturday, 11th August. Tickets €15 at the door. Don’t miss this unique opportunity.

Ballykeeffe Amphitheatre presents an evening of the greatest opera arias, on Friday 10th August. The concert will feature Sinead Blanchfield and a host of internationally renowned singers and musicians. Tickets at Kilkenny Book Centre.

Feast of the Assumption
Wednesday week, 15th August, is the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady. Our parish Masses will follow the usual weekend schedules.