Thursday, February 14, 2008

First Sunday of Lent 10th February 2008

Oscar Wilde’s quip, that he could resist everything except temptation, contains a grain of wisdom. In a quirky way it is saying: careful how you fight temptation; you may not win. Oscar clearly didn’t. Neither did Adam or Eve.
Temptation trades in lies as today’s first reading shows (Genesis 2: 7-9, 3: 1-7). It is countered by truth, as today’s Gospel shows (Matthew 4: 1-11). When tempted to turn stones into bread Jesus doesn’t ‘engage’ with the temptation. He confronts it with truth: God’s word is the source of life, not bread. When Satan tempts him a second time, Jesus warns him not to tempt God. No fear, or indecision, there. Satan ignores the warning and tempts Jesus again. His offer of all the kingdoms on earth to Jesus if only he would worship him is so preposterous that Jesus summarily dismiss him. And he goes. Satan is not as powerful as he would like to be seen to be. While temptation to evil is a fact of life, so too is the victory of good over evil. Evil’s power has been definitively defeated. The Incarnation has seen to that.
Evil has a past, and a present, but no future. Neither do those who submit to it.
Fr Tom Cahill SVD

Questions people ask
Why do we take ashes at the start of Lent?
Ashes are a grimy reminder that our earthly bodies are destined for death and decomposition. ‘Remember that you are but dust and unto dust you shall return.’ An alternative formula at the imposition of ashes exhorts a person to repentance: ‘Turn away from sin and be faithful to the gospel.’ Taking the ashes is not a sort of lucky charm but it is meant to express a person’s intention to undertake some extra spiritual exercises during Lent.
Fr. Silvester O’Flynn OFM Cap

Masses for Lent
Well done to those who have made an effort to attend daily Mass for Lent. We encourage you to continue the discipline. Even if you give up for a day or two try to start again.
For your convenience Masses in our parish are at 9.30am (St. Patrick’s Church), 10.30am and 6.15pm (St. Fiacre’s Church). All are welcome.

First Sunday in Lent
This Lent Trócaire’s campaign highlights how the developing world is struggling to cope with changes in the climate. Global warming impacts on every one of us, but the effects are not felt equally and people living in poverty are bearing the brunt. It’s time the world’s poorest people got the support they need to help them cope with global warming. To support Trócaire this Lent please take a Trócaire box home with you.

Family Liturgy
Practice for next Sunday’s 10.30am Family Liturgy will be held on Thursday, 14th February at 6.30pm in St. Fiacre’s Church. All are welcome.

Ossory AGM
The Ossory Diocesan Annual General Meeting of St. Joseph’s Young Priest’s Society takes place on Thursday, 28th February beginning at 7.30pm with Mass celebrated by Bishop Seamus Freeman. The venue is the Brother Rice Centre at Westcourt, Callan. The National President, Marie Hogan will also attend. You are cordially invited to attend this evening.

Solemn Novena
Fr. Scriven at St. John’s Church writes: “Please join us in St. John's for the Solemn Novena which will be given by the Redemptorists from Wednesday, 13th to Thursday, 21st (inclusive) in St John's Church on the Dublin Road. This novena is part of the centenary celebrations of St John's Church.”

Our Lady of Lourdes
On Thursday, 11th February in 1858 - one hundred and fifty years ago this year - Our Lady first appeared to the 14 year old Bernadette Soubirous. Later Bernadette was to learn that the mysterious lady was the Blessed Virgin and to hear from her lips, ‘I am the Immaculate Conception’.

In 1992 Pope John Paul II instituted the World Day of the Sick to be held on the commemoration of Our Lady of Lourdes. Don’t forget our special Mass for the sick at St. Fiacre’s Church at 10.30am on Monday. There will be special prayers for the sick and the Sacrament of the Sick will be celebrated with those who wish to receive the sacrament.

Meanwhile, at the Grotto
Fr. Anthony O’Connor - the Director of our Diocesan Pilgrimage - will be in Lourdes on 11th February. He has promised to remember the intentions of our parishioners at Mass at the Lourdes Grotto on the 150th anniversary of the apparitions. Also included will be the intentions of all benefactors who have contributed over the years to the collections in the parish for the support of the pilgrimage. Those who are sick will be specifically remembered and all intentions will be entrusted to God through the prayers and intercession of Mary, Our Mother.

Lourdes Pilgrimage
Each year St. Patrick’s Parish sends a number of people to Lourdes with the diocesan pilgrimage. Those interesting in travelling to Lourdes should contact any member of the St. Patrick’s Parish Lourdes Committee or leave their names at the Presbytery as soon as possible.

Black Abbey Triduum
A triduum in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes continues at the Black Abbey. Sunday: 12 noon and 6.10pm; Monday: 10.30am and 7.30pm. Anointing both sessions on Monday.
Eucharistic Ministers Course
The Eucharistic Ministers’ Course will begin on next Tuesday, 12th of February in Creidim at 8pm. The course will continue every Tuesday night for 4 weeks.

Lectors’ Course
The Diocese of Ossory has arranged a course for new readers and others who would like to brush up on their skills. Course will be run at St. Patrick’s Presbytery on Wednesdays, 27th February and 5th and 12th March. It is essential to book for this course. Contact 776 4400.

Pray for the Deceased
Recently Deceased: Sr. M. de Lourdes Murphy, Presentation Convent, Parnell Street: Requiem Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral at 11am on Sunday followed by burial at St. Kieran’s. Paddy Fitzpatrick, Greensbridge: Funeral prayers at Johnston’s Funeral Home at 6pm on Sunday followed by removal to St. John’s Church. Requiem Mass at 10.30am on Monday followed by burial at St. Kieran's. Bridie Henderson, Strabane. Dr. Tony Crowley, Leixlip.
Month’s Mind: Michael Fitzpatrick (Sat 7.00), Josephine McGrath (Sun 11.00), Maura Nolan (Sun 2.30, St. Fiacre’s).

Anniversaries: Frank Delaney (Sat 6.15), Dr. Richard Purcell (Sun 9.30), Mary Pullan (Sun 10.00), Peter Quinn (Sun 12.00), Michael Moore (Sun 12.30), Anastasia Fitzpatrick (Mon 9.30), Andrew Price (Tues 10.30), Jenny Clancy (Fri 6.15) Eileen Cooper, Bill Carroll, Elizabeth Geoghegan, Edward Geoghegan, Michael Kenneally, Jack Leahy, Catherine Dwyer, Eamon Tallent, Philly Grace, Ellen Egan, Eileen Cummins, Bridie Dunne, Charlie O’Reilly, Michael Dargan, Niall Godwin, Catherine Keane.

Intentions Next Weekend: Nicholas Healy (Sat 6.15), Michael Walsh & Milo Bourke (Sat 7.00), Mick & Ellen Doyle (Sun 10.00), Sarah Kelly (Sun 10.30 Month’s Mind), Jim Gerard Leahy (Sun 11.00), Molly Johnstone (Sun 12.00).

Legion of Mary
Would you like to give two hours a week to the Virgin Mary? The Legion of Mary meets every Thursday from 8.00-9.00pm at St. Joseph’s (Mill Hill Fathers) on the Waterford Road. Visitors are welcome.

Presbytery For Sale
St. Patrick’s Presbytery will be sold by public auction on Thursday, 13th March 2008. Further details later.

Creidim Adult Faith Education
Adult Perspectives in the Afternoon Years… how we can best exercise our role in passing the faith to young people. This session will explore some of the contours, challenges and joys of moving into our senior years.
Conall O’Cuinn SJ will present the course at Creidim. Date: 10am and 1pm on Thursday, 21st February at St Kieran’ s College. Cost €30. Contact Leona Connolly on 777 0261 or see leaflets at the back of the church.

Catholic Papers
Most media publish stories with a particular slant. As Catholics we should be anxious to get a Christian slant on what is happening in our world. At the moment The Irish Catholic and The Word magazines are available at the church doors. We encourage you to purchase a copy for your perusal and information.

Lost and Found
A large set of keys was misplaced at St. Fiacre’s Church one evening last week. Please contact the sacristan if you have knowledge of their whereabouts.
A game card for a Nintendo DS was found in St. Patrick’s Church. Please call to the sacristy with details if you have lost one.

Kilkenny Flower Club
On Thursday next, 14th February, Kilkenny Flower Club with hold it’s A.G.M. at Butler House, Time: 8.00pm. All are welcome. Eva Holmes will give a talk on gardening. We would love to see some new faces.

Thanks to Bag Packers
Thank you to all who gave of their time and energy to take part in the bag pack at SuperValu, Loughboy during the last few days. While all the proceeds have not been counted we estimate that you have helped the parish to the tune of about €5,000.
Thanks, also, to the management and staff at SuperValu for their permission, help and courtesy and, of course, to all who dropped a something into the buckets.

Divine Mercy
There will be an hour of prayer and adoration in honour of Divine Mercy in St. Mary’s Cathedral on Sunday, 10th February between 3-4pm. All are welcome.

Garage Sale
87 Larchfield on Saturday, 16th February from 9am to 9pm. Bargains in clothes, books and household items. 086 102 4592