Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Baptism of the Lord, 13th January 2008

Who? Me!
Asking the right question is as important as getting the right answer. It means we are on the right track to self-understanding. We’re clued in to life. We’re focused on the present but with our sights on the future too. But, not everybody is. Those who never ask that all-important question, ‘who am i?’ can’t possibly be. As human beings we don’t just walk around with mystery every day. We are mystery every walking around! The answer to the question, ‘who am i?’ is not my name. It has nothing to do with my name. I can change that if I wish. But I can’t change my who no matter how much I might wish to do so because that is immutable before God. So, I need to meet that who, to discover what makes me, me. Is it status, success, money, ability, intelligence? These play their part in forming me, as do failures, limitations and fears, but there’s more to me than all of those put together.
I need to ask that all-important question, ‘who am I?’ and wait patiently until I hear the answer I grave; until in sheer disbelief I hear the words spoken to Jesus in today’s: you are my beloved son/daughter in whom I am well pleased.
Fr Tom Cahill

Questions People Ask
Q. John’s Baptism was a ritual of repentance, but if Jesus was sinless, why did he say that he needed to be baptised?
A. Jesus explained that it was fitting that he should, in this way, do all that righteousness demanded. While he did not need cleansing from any personal sin, he considered it fitting or right to show his solidarity with sinful humanity. By doing so, he anticipated his death on Calvary where he took on the role of the sacrificial lamb to take away the guilt of the world.
Fr Silvester O’Flynn OFM Cap

Rehab Walk in West Cork
A Walk in the Rural Scenic Roads of the Sheepshead Peninsula in West Cork takes place from 22nd to 25th May 2008 in aid of Rehab. The trip which departs from Kilkenny will be confined to 20 people, with departure on Thursday afternoon 22nd May, and returning on Sunday 25th may 2008. The trip will incorporate 3 nights dinner, bed and breakfast at the scenic West Lodge Hotel in Bantry. Each participant is required to raise€575 (this includes meal costs and transport costs etc). Accommodation is on a Room Share Basis. The proceeds from the event will go to the new Rehab Development in William Street, Kilkenny. This trip incorporates 2 days walking on the Friday and Saturday (23rd & 24th May 2008). If you wish to be considered as one of the 20 participants, you are asked to contact Roche at 086 8282474 as soon as possible. Sponsorship Cards are available on request.

Church Gate Collection
The Irish Wheelchair Association will hold their Church Gate Collection on this weekend at all masses.

Thank You
We would like to extend a word of thanks and appreciation to the Young at Heart club for their recent donation of €300 towards the Parish Centre.

Divine Mercy
There will be an hour of adoration and prayer in honour of Divine Mercy in St. Mary’s Cathedral on Sunday 13th January from 3-4pm. All are welcome.

Bag Pack
Some local supermarkets have given us permission to hold fund raising bag packs for the parish. We are currently compiling a list of people who are interested in helping. Please contact the Presbytery (776 4400) if you can spare and hour or two.

Pray for the deceased
Recently Deceased: Maura Nolan, Outrath. Funeral prayers at her home at 7pm on Sunday followed by removal to St. Fiacre’s Church. Requiem Mass at 12 noon on Monday followed by burial at Foulkstown Cemetery. Jimmy Bergin, Brownstown.
Months Mind: Kathleen Redpath (Sun 12.30)
Anniversaries: Anna Campion (Sat 6.15), Beattie O’Connell (Sun 10.00), Peg, Jack & Breda Molloy (Sun 10.30), Maureen O’Shea (Sun 11.00), Frank O’Shea (Sun 12.00), Brigid Currid (Tues 10.30), Patrick & Sally Mullally (Wed 10.30), John, Pat & Ellen Butler (Thurs 10.30), Cornelius Carroll, Anne & John Bissett, Christopher & Mary Ryan, Patrick, Delia & Margaret Taylor, Dennis Guilfoyle, Johnny Brennan, Nora Carroll, Nancy Ronan, Ellen & Michael McEvoy, Patricia Byrne
Intentions for next weekend: John Bradley (Sat 6.15), Paul Prodromou (Sat 7.00), Norah Foley (Sun 9.30), Kathleen O’Neill (Sun 10.00), Ann & John Waldron (Sun 10.30), Bobbi Leahy (Sun 11.00), Oliver Mannion (Sun 12.00).

Ossory Pilgrimage to Lourdes
This year’s pilgrimage takes place from May 22nd to May 27th. The Ossory Pilgrimage to Lourdes is the most prolonged gathering of people from the diocese each year with 487 people making the pilgrimage in 2007 from thirty nine of our forty two parishes. Each year a dedicated group of caring people assists with the seventy or so that journey as assisted pilgrims many of whom travel with the financial assistance of local communities, parishes and sponsors. All inquiries and applications regarding the assisted pilgrim section should be directed to Glenmore Parish Office 051 880414. Cost €685 pps or €710 for those aged between 85-95yrs. Booking forms available for Glenmore Parish office or Fr. Michael O’Connor 051 880414. Complete booking forms should be returned to Fr. O’Connor before 1st Feb with the relevant payment.

First Holy Communion Dates
10th May: St. Patrick’s de la Salle at 11am at St. Patrick’s Church.
17th May: St. John of God at 11am at St. Patrick’s Church.
17th May: Gaelscoil OsraĆ­ at 10.30am at St. Mary’s Cathedral.
18th May: KSP at 12 noon at St. Fiacre’s Church.

Foulkstown Cemetery
We again ask people to keep a vigilant eye while out in Foulkstown Cemetery for any suspicious or illegal activity. If you notice anything including illegal dumping, note the registration of the vehicle involved and bring it to the attention of the priests or any committee member. We ask people to note that the cemetery is not a dumping ground for household or commercial waste, nor is it place to bring cuttings from gardens. Our costs for waste removal are high enough without having to pay for people’s rubbish.
Such a vigilant eye by one parishioner recently managed to stop a break-in at the back of the church where cemetery equipment is stored. The GardaĆ­ managed to apprehend the culprit. We are grateful to this parishioner for his solid efforts.
As mentioned a couple of weeks back, the prices of graves in Foulkstown are increasing by €50 for a single grave and €100 for a double. The complete prices are as follows:
Parishioners: Single: €350. Double: €600.
Non-Parishioners: Single €400. Double: €750.
It is possible to purchase a grave in advance. However you do not get a location or plot until you actually need it. What you are purchasing is the right to a place in Foulkstown when the actual need arises.
Please note that the cemetery continues to be locked at night time for security reasons. Thanks for your support.

Senior Citizen’s Party
The St. Patrick’s Senior Citizen’s Christmas Party takes place this coming Monday (14th) at 8pm in the Springhill Court Hotel. Tickets are available for this event in any of the sacristies of our three churches. Tickets cost €10 and are restricted to those over 60. If you intend going please let us know before Monday lunchtime.
Each year the event is a wonderful success with a lovely meal and excellent entertainment throughout the night. There will also be a raffle on the night.
Those who have transport might be able to offer others a lift to the event. If anyone has difficulty getting to the party then let us know on Monday evening and we will organise a lift.
Sincere thanks to the committee who organise this event every year and thanks to all who sponsor this event.

The Parish Centre
Just a quick note to allay the fears of some people: no, the colour of the roof will not be yellow. The present colour is actually the under sheeting and insulation. When finished the roof will have the same colour tiles as the church and surrounding houses. Although it has to be said, the yellow does have a certain ‘hurling’ appeal.
More on the progress of the parish centre, as well as finances later.
Items for Newsletter
We ask people who are submitting material for the newsletter to do so by Thursday afternoon at the latest. The newsletter is compiled on Thursday and Friday and after this time we cannot guarantee inclusion until the following week. Thanks for your cooperation.

Blessed Sacrament Exposition
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place in St. Fiacre’s Church on Mondays from 11am to 10pm each week. Exposition also takes place in St. Patrick’s Church on Fridays from 10am to 1pm and 4pm to 9pm each week.
Exposition is a time for private prayer and adoration of Jesus in the Eucharist. A consecrated host is placed in a vessel called a monstrance and placed on the altar where it can be seen and adored by people.
The Eucharist is our most intimate contact with Jesus in this life whether we are receiving communion or praying before the Blessed Sacrament. All are welcome to join in this precious time with God.